API Details

A brief description of each API service, access, and authentication requirements.

Each API listed here (with the exception of Query) requires some form of authentication.

In addition to the authentication header, make sure to send the namespace header to designate the intended tenant for your request!

POST /command HTTP/1.1
Authentication: Bearer <api-token>
Content-Type: application/json
Host: graphql.mindfulcms.com
X-Namespace: <org-key>/<workspace-key>

{"query":"mutation { ... }"}

Only a subset of the available queries, mutations, and fields are documented here. For a real-time view of the current GraphQL schema, issue an introspection query to the API.

If you're using GraphQL Playground or similar client, you can see the available schema and field documentation via the built-in schema browser.


The Analytics API is used to return aggregate or timeseries data collected for known entity kinds. The Analytics API currently uses P1Events as its primary data source. At the moment, metrics are available for the following entity kinds:


To access this API and see details of available fields, send an an introspection request to the API URL: https://graphql.mindfulcms.com/analytics.

This API supports user, machine, and company token authentication methods.


The Command API is used to make changes to existing data, create new data (as a user) or import data (as an automated process). All changes to Mindful platform data go through the Entity Event Store to ensure consistent processing, history, and attribution -- the Command API is the externally available interface to make those changes. All data models that can be modified in the Mindful platform are available in this API.

To access this API and see details of available fields, send an an introspection request to the API URL: https://graphql.mindfulcms.com/command.

This API supports user and machine authentication methods.


The Query API is used to retrieve data from the Mindful platform -- by id, typeahead/search, or paginated query. All data models that exist in the Mindful platform are available in this API.

To access this API and see details of available fields, send an an introspection request to the API URL: https://graphql.mindfulcms.com/query.

This API supports user, machine, and company token authentication methods.


The Subscription API is used to subscribe to events, such as the completion of a document's materialization pipeline, for near-real-time updates in UI applications.

To access this API and see details of available fields, send an an introspection request to the API URL: https://graphql.mindfulcms.com/subscription.

This API supports user and machine authentication methods.


The upload API is used to upload media (such as images, documents, audio files, etc). Specifically, it allows you to create a signed upload request and finish or cancel it once complete.

To access this API and see details of available fields, send an an introspection request to the API URL: https://graphql.mindfulcms.com/upload.

This API supports user, machine, and company token authentication methods.


The User API allows you to log in, log out, and (eventually) manage organization members and API keys.

To access this API and see details of available fields, send an an introspection request to the API URL: https://graphql.mindfulcms.com/user.

This API supports user and machine authentication methods.


The utility API provides access to miscellaneous functions, such as generate company authentication tokens, parsing HTML, and sending notifications.

To access this API and see details of available fields, send an an introspection request to the API URL: https://graphql.mindfulcms.com/utility.

This API supports user, machine, and company token authentication methods.

Last updated