Performance Queries
An overview of the available site performance queries
There are two types of performance queries:
Company performance Queries focused on the company and its related content (such as Inquiry Submissions and Leaders Metrics)
Content performance Queries focused on a single content item (such as Website Metrics)
Company Performance
There are three queries related to company performance:
Much like the queries outlined in Appearance Queries all three make use of the company hash and a month range in the format of { start: "YYYY-MM", end: "YYYY-MM" }
for query input.
We'll overview the information that can be returned from each query and provide an example query code example for each.
Company Content Performance
This query returns results that can containing the following:
Summary which contains the number of content items, number of unique users who interacted with the companies content or profile and the total number of actions taken regarding the company and its content.
By Type which contains a breakdown into rows containing the content type, the number of content items of that type, views of the content of that type (not unique) and the unique user count for that content type, alongside an overall content count, number of views and unique users to have viewed the company and/or it's content. This is rolled up from the values found in the rows breakdown.
Company Clicks which contains a breakdown into rows containing the type of item clicked (examples include: Company Website links, Promotional items, Social Media Links, etc.) the number of clicks it received and a unique user count, alongside an overall click count and users to have clicked on company related items. This is rolled up from the values found in the rows breakdown, and therefore the rolled up user count here may not be unique.
Action Detail which contains a breakdown into rows containing the type of action taken (examples include content views, company profile page clicks and inquiry submissions) and the number of actions taken for each, alongside an overall actions count. This is rolled up from the values found in the rows breakdown.
Inquiry Submissions
This query returns results that can contain the following:
Submission ID
Content information related to the content item the inquiry was submitted on including content ID, name, type, the primary site it was published to as well as when it was published.
Company, job title, first and last name, email, phone and postal code of person who submitted the inquiry.
Comments made in regards as to what or why they inquired.
When the inquiry was submitted. (created)
Leaders Performance
This query returns results that can contain the following:
Overview containing overall values for impressions, unique users, data card opens (fly-out cards found in the Leaders block(s) found on site) and company profile page views.
Category Detail containing rows that include Leaders website section information including ID, alias, name, full name and site information for the section, alongside impressions and unique users for each. This also includes rolled up impressions and users as well for all categories. Due to the nature of this roll up the user count here may not be unique.
Content Performance
There is one query related to content performance:
Content Website Metrics
This query allows for querying as to how many views and unique users viewed a piece of content and is queried for using the content ID and a month range using the format of { start: "YYYY-MM", end: "YYYY-MM" }
returns results that can contain the following:
Views, the number of views the content item received during the specified range.
Unique Users, the number of unique users that viewed the content item during the specified range.
Average views per user, the average number of times an individual user would have viewed the article. (Views divided by unique users should yield this value)
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