Contact pages are a great way to give credit to an author, contributor or photographer on an associated piece of content and allow users to reach out with questions or sales leads where applicable.
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Contact pages are a great way to give credit to an author, contributor or photographer on an associated piece of content and allow users to reach out with questions or sales leads where applicable.
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Aside from using contacts for the Authorable section on other content types, (more on that can be found here), Contacts can be used for populating the contact us page on your website (
The Contact Us page is treated like most other schedulable sections on the site, only with a different layout. Unlike other pages, the contact us page will simply have a list of contacts on the left, with a Contact Us form on the right.
The contacts on the left will only display the Primary Image, Contact Name, Title, Phone, and Public Email, but the remaining fields are what will display on the Contact's landing page.
The public email will not be linkable on the site - this is done intentionally to reduce the amount of potential spam emails sent to that inbox.
Scheduling contacts to the Contact Us page is done much the same way as any other section on the site. You'll want to make sure the content is Published, then you'll simply select the "Contact Us" section from the website scheduling portion of Base. (More on scheduling can be found here)
Contacts will be ordered from newest to oldest. The newer the schedule date, the higher on the Contact Us page they will appear. To adjust the sequence/order of contacts, you must alter the date/time of the schedule.
To the right of the contact us page, there will be a "Contact Form", where users can reach out with general questions.
This form is typically sent to a distribution list created at the start of the site launch based on information received from the group. If the distribution list needs to be updated, and you'd like the form to be sent somewhere else, reach out to us here.