Why isn't my content appearing where I want it to?
Make sure the content is Published and not still in Draft status. See Content States for more info.
Make sure there is a schedule that corresponds to the section you're looking for it to appear. Click here for a video example.
Make sure there isn't another piece of content that is Pinned or has a newer schedule that's bumping your content down off the page. (You can find out by utilizing the search page in Base - more on how to search for content can be found here).
Some blocks require setting a Primary Image. Try setting one and refreshing the page to see if that is the case.
How long ago was the section added? Your browser may cache data and content may not appear right away. You can try hard-refreshing the website (hold Shift while refreshing) after a few minutes to see if this might be the case.
If you're trying to schedule it to a section further down the page, make sure it's not appearing anywhere else on that page first. For example, most home pages and primary section pages typically have multiple blocks that correlate to the site's other sections. If you have a piece of content scheduled correctly, and you're sure that it's the most recently scheduled and/or is pinned, then do a find for the content title (CTRL + F). Odds are, the piece of content is showing up on a block further up on the page, such as the hero block. Content will not be duplicated on the home page or section pages. This means that if there are two or more schedules on the piece of content, it will prioritize itself and only appear once on the page.
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